Denim jackets have weaved their way in and out of style since the 60's. We're seeing them all over since Summer 2011. I think they might be here to stay this time. If not, it doesn't matter to me because I'll always have one in my closet! They're simple item that can completely transform and outfit and make it look that much better. I love how universal denim jackets are, they're just that item in your closet that you can take off of the hanger and throw over anything and have it look pretty sweet.
Here's examples of my favorite ways to wear one:
Photo from:
Here's Reese Witherspoon rockin' a mega hot mini dress, a denim jacket, and a fedora hat. I absolutely adore the indie vibe of this look. Also keep in mind, fedora hats are NOT for everyone. If they're not for you, trade it out for a knit beanie hat, those work on everybody. In this photo she's wearing sandals which totally work, but if it's a little too chilly to wear them, try some combat boots! To push it even a little further try knee socks or knee high stockings with combat boots like this:
This is Kim Kardashian wearing a denim jacket over a maxi dress. I love this it's laid back, effortless beauty. Personally, I think if you live by the beach, go shoeless with this look. Otherwise, flip flops are ideal.
A denim jacket plus high wait shorts equals AMAZING. I love this look. For shoes with this look I love closed toe platform heels, with the waist of the shorts it make legs look killer!
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